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Each member who brings a model for the "Monthly Contest Theme" will receive 1 point, and additional points will be awarded as follow for First, Second, and Third place:
The 3 modelers (1st, 2nd, 3rd) with the highest number of points at the end of the year will receive gift certificates at the December Christmas Party.
Monday the 20th the first meeting of the new year introduced a few new things to the club. There were 36 people present and 2 new members joined. Please welcome John Black and Paul Cohen. Yearly club dues of $25 were collected, those who didn't pay can pay next month or do it online on our website Some folks brought in Raffle donations for our upcoming Pelicon 2025 this April. There was an open theme this month, next month it will be a North African/Middle East Theme. Themes are posted here on this "Club Happenings" page. We will be doing the same point system for modeler of the month and modeler of the year that we used last year. The top 5 modelers in points will get gift certificates.
The convention Pelicon 2025 was discussed, it is only 3 months away and we will need judges and volunteers when the time is here. Also, don't forget we need more models for the kit raffle at the Con, so look through your stash.
The "Survey" VP Ozzie sent out was discussed, and the results are posted under "Club Happenings." (below) It was discussed that the club doesn't use "Roberts Rules of Order" We want to keep the meeting orderly but fun. It was agreed that we should try to shorten the length of the Show & Tell unless we have extra time, as we have to adjourn by 9 p.m. We also discussed keeping the talking noise levels down, as the acoustics are bad in the room with the number of people we have. There is too much cross-talk at the round tables. We need to be more considerate when people have the floor. We talked about doing the occasional demo time permitting either before the meeting starts or during the middle of the voting session. Many of us are at the meeting by 6:30 or earlier. Anyway, that's all I got, next month's theme is North Africa, see you then. Happy Modeling. Donn
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