April 26 brings upon us Pelicon 2025
February 17th 2025
The Pelikan Club had its first meeting of the year. 34 of us were in attendance. Dues were collected and it was announced that if you didn't have the cash, you can now pay online at this Website under "Club Membership Dues" to the left or at the meeting. For Pelicon 2025, the club is looking for model kit donations for the Raffle, we are also looking for Trophy Package sponsorships. So pick a category or Special theme to help out the club. Let Ozzie or me know what you would like to sponsor. We also have about a dozen Vendor tables left for sale, so get them before they are gone.
Model Theme Winners "North African Wars for February 2025 were: Al Vaccaro - 1st place for his North African diorama pictured here, 2nd place - Bill Malick for his tank diorama, and 3rd place - Frank Stansell for his concept paint scheme on his Horton jet aircraft. Congratulations all!
We are still doing the monthly Theme "Modeler of the Year" award with the point system we used last year (see points given under "Club Happenings"), the top 5 modelers receiving the most points by November's meeting will receive a gift certificate.
We are thick into model show/contest season. Jaxcon 2025 was a couple of weeks ago, they had a vey successful show with 150 modelers entering and 661 model entries. Check the Calendar for dates.
On another note, any hope in the future we had at meeting at the Pinellas Gulf Coast Academy is now gone because they are closing the school. So meetings will continue at the funeral home till further notice.
See Club Happenings for the monthly schedule of News, Themes and Model Pledge and other club business.
February 17, 2025, updated website meeting with new monthly photos, minutes, and Theme Winner.
January 20, 2025, updated website meeting with new monthly photos, minutes, and Theme Winner.
November 18, 2024, updated website meeting with new monthly photos, minutes, and Theme Winner.
September 16, 2024, updated website meeting with new monthly photos, minutes, and Theme Winner.
August 16, 2024, updated website meeting with new monthly photos, minutes, and Theme Winner.
July 31, 2024, updated website meeting with new monthly photos, minutes, and Theme Winner.
June 17, 2024, updated website meeting with new monthly photos, minutes, and Theme Winner.
May 20, 2024, updated website meeting with new monthly photos, minutes, and Theme Winner.
April 15, 2024, updated website meeting with new monthly photos, minutes, and Theme Winner.
March 18, 2024, updated website meeting with new monthly photos, minutes, and Theme Winner.
February 19, 2024, updated website meeting with new monthly photos, minutes, and Theme Winner.
January 15, 2024, updated website meeting with new monthly photos, minutes, and Theme Winner.
November 24, 2023, updated website from Nov. 20th meeting with new monthly photos, minutes, and theme winner.
October 23, 2023, Added Minutes and Pictures from the October meeting.
We meet the third Monday of each month at the Veterans Funeral Care in Clearwater,FL. Meetings begin at 7 pm and typically adjourn around 9 pm.
840 North Belcher Road, Clearwater, Florida 33765, United States